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LINK A Priest on YouTube Called Out “Pro-Life” Hypocrisy and Viewers Were Furious | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Casey Cole is a young Franciscan priest who, among other things, makes YouTube videos discussing his faith. There’s nothing weird about that. You also won’t be surprised to hear he’s fairly conservative in the same ways as the Catholic Church.

That’s why it shocked a lot of his fans when he posted a video last week suggesting abortion had become the “most important issue” for many fellow believers… and he believed it shouldn’t be.

To be clear: He’s against abortion rights. His concern is that a lot of Catholics were so fixated on banning the practice under the previous president… that they were willing to ignore a number of other travesties.[]

snytiger6 9 Feb 3

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With over a billion Catholics in the world, there is bound to be dissent and splits among them. Some Catholics are pro-choice advocates, for example.


Funny because it’s true

The first organization receives a great deal of money from gun manufacturers to lobby for them and promote their products.

As for the second part whe investigated the accusations proved to be false.

And, no, it isn't funny. How warped your mind must be to think so.




@CourtJester And who put that stuff out? They deliberately edited videos to give the false impression that baby parts were being sold. []

The anti abortion groups take pride in "lying for god". You can't trust what they put out... such as the above Meme

@snytiger6 hahaha. I can’t imagine Wikipedia is much of a source for truth.


Interesting. How little tolerance his audience has for any criticism, any deviation from the rigid doctrine that abortion overrides every other political consideration. I disagree with his position, but his criticism is spot on.

The Pope said the same thing, but indirectly, when he pointed to the things the church should prioritize - poverty, environmental destruction, etc.


Yep. One issue people proved willing to sell out. Along with being able to be openly racist, the trumpies don't care about hypocrisy - they have their own talibanic beliefs.

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