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Happiness: What is happiness for you? This is a personal question, so no dictionary mumbo-jumbo, please.

AstralSmoke 8 Nov 29

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I find a lot of things bring me into a peaceful and happy state. Such as... i no particular order...

A good book.
A car purring on my lap.
A long bike ride.
Hiking naked in the woods.
A day at a nude beach or nudist club (platonic nude recreation in general)
The satisfaction of a job/task well done.
A good movie.
A tasty meal.

So, you like to play with model cars? I used to have a pretty good Matchbox collection. (😉)


For me, happiness is the unnatural, unsustainable state just beyond contentment that can last for a few minutes to a few weeks, a reprieve from the stresses and rigors of daily life, convincing me that living is somehow bearable by overemphasizing the happy moments and downplaying the grind that wears down the body and wearies the spirit.

Sort of like being in love.


A roof over my head, food in the kitchen, my great friends, a visit from my daughter and a good book to read.

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