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This is how it's supposed to be

bobwjr 10 Feb 6

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It's no nice to have a responsible adult in the Oval Office again.

And you consider that crooked SOB Biden to be a responsible adult??

@Trajan61 Yes, I do, especially compared to that corrupt, ignorant, hateful, spiteful, racist, incompetent orange buffoon we've had for the past four years.


I can almost breathe...

It may be a tough 4 year with that looney idiot at the helm!


He’s destined to be the sorriest and most incompetent president in American history and he already has a good start on that. Hell that senile, crooked incompetent idiot isn’t in good enough shape to play golf much less be president!!

And Twatwaffle was great lol

We already had the sorriest worst incompetent excuse for one, we had 45.

@bobwjr Trump was a damn sight better than Obama or for that matter better than that idiot Biden will ever be!

@DangerDave He's just a stupid Trump troll

@bobwjr Your the one whose stupid! Only a moron would vote for someone who favors shutting down drilling in marginal country for environmental concerns and at the same time throwing open the border for millions of immigrants.

@Trajan61 Too much Kool aid

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