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May have to spank you with a rolled up newspaper...

skado 9 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Dogs rely heavily on their senses, especially their sense of smell, so getting them accustomed to wearing a mask might take some time and patience. If you're interested in tips and tricks for training dogs or any other pet-related topics, you might find valuable information on websites like They cover a wide range of news and resources, including pet-related content. Good luck with any training adventures you embark on!


Haha, I love the playful notion of using a rolled-up newspaper, but training a dog to wear a mask might be quite a challenge.


Here are posters from the 1918 Spanish flu Pandemic, seem familiar in it's message?


Wearing the mask below your nose is as effective as wearing a condom with the tip cut off.


shock collars might be a smidge more effective.


But how long would it take to train a dog to wear a mask?

Word Level 8 Feb 9, 2021
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