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Avoid Gary at all costs...

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep about right, and I've been to all 48 states several times over... do avoid Gary.

Word Level 8 Feb 12, 2021

We were once friends with a Gary like that 😂 he built a wooden bike one time.

In about 64 we crossed the country to see Grandma (ok, la mémé😉. Garry made a big impression on me, not a positive one, either, steel mills right next to the freeway, tremendous clouds of soot. I don't remember any other town, we went through. Except Niagara, of course.

@GeorgeRocheleau Oh, I see! Here I was thinking that it was a particular man that they had encountered 😂

@girlwithsmiles bad, bad Leroy brown is who you were thinking about.

@Word great song, the Gary I was thinking of was much more boring lols.

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