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Woman's (her)history month.

Just received an invitation from the Lopez Library to join in on a presentation titled “Booby-trapped in America”. As one being interested in history even this is interesting to me.

”In honor of women's history month (March), join the charming mother-daughter duo, Ehris Urban and Velya Jancz-Urban, for an uplifting virtual presentation of the history of the brassiere in America. Ehris and Velya trace the path of the bra in American herstory, from corsets (which lifted breasts to artificial heights by pushing from below instead of lifting from above) to the 1913 invention of the first modern bra by socialite Mary Phelps Jacob (using two pocket handkerchiefs and some pink ribbon), to the bullet bra of the 40s, to modern-day pillow cup push-up plunge bras. This presentation illustrates how women's bodies have been cinched, flattened down, and lifted up over the last century. "You can discover a lot about women in history by how much cleavage was showing, and the era’s ideal breast shape." Sure to be a good time!”


JackPedigo 9 Mar 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks, this looks interesting.


Thanks for sharing Jack, I registered to get the link.



So, I wonder what sort of class will be offered for men's history month (if there is such a thing).

@JackPedigo ummm, all of HIStory is, until lately, men's history. Even the word itself......

@AnneWimsey That is starting to change. Don't look now but paternalism is starting to wane.

@JackPedigo been hearing THAT since was 72.......

@AnneWimsey I think it's just a matter of seeing things differently. More women are getting elected. More women are getting into positions of power in the business world. More women are coming forward confronting sexual abuse. More men are thinking twice before abusing women. The list is growing.

@JackPedigo i am aware of all that, but where is equal pay for equal work? And what is happening to reproductive control of our bodies? Two absolute fundamental needs of ALL women! One step forward, 2+ steps back. If I cannot make enough money to live , and control my own body, what's it matter if some woman somewhere is a CEO?

@AnneWimsey Funny how timing seems to happen with me so often. Just this morning I was reading our local paper and came across the item: Woman's History: Why it's important []
An excerpt: "The tenets of that patriarchal society began to crack after women fought for, Congress favored and the states ratified that the right to vote could not be denied based on sex. Though that win was initially enjoyed by white women only, it opened the doors to a broader realization of the rights of citizenship guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by the 14th Amendment."

Yes, equality has not been fully achieved but I see this as the usual slow, forward movement. My daughter just got another job with a big corporation and is the prime earner. Her husband, a part-time cook is out of work and has to deal with home issues. It's not just women that are struggling. I would suggest it's more two steps forward and one back.

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