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Just had a taco truck at my apartment complex.

It has been over a year and I had almost forgotten how delicious the authentic Mexican tacos are.

I do not have the cilantro is soap affliction.

BufftonBeotch 8 Mar 3

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They are very delicious


Lucky for me I've been able to have tasty tacos from trucks or stands all year, any time I want, and have learned to stipulate to leave off any fresh cilantro please. I love cilantro sauce, but just not when it's fresh or raw. Cooking it into sauce must change the taste for me, so that I absolutely love it in dressing. Uncooked makes me gag! No tip in the jar if I can smell cilantro on my taco! 😉

I do love the cilantro and onions raw. But I realize it is not for anyone.


We have many Mexican restaurants here that are always busy. I always add loads of cilantro and tomatillo salsa on my burritos, tacos, etc. I lived in Mexico three months, so I've had the authentic Mexican cuisine as well. I love the queso fresco and other Mexican cuisine served in Mexico, which isn't served here.


(Nor do I...thank goodness!) Here in So. Calif. I think we've all ABSORBED Mexican genes through our close proximity and frequent enjoyment of that delicious food!

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