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Everyone online or clip, who is not for the handling of covid or vaccine. Has been interfered with, cancelled, banned and by some mysterious, dies.
Something is extremely onesided here.
People trust too much the number one cause of death
The mainstream medical Profession

Castlepaloma 8 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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The video does not support your ludicrously jejune contentions about the mainstream medical profession.

From the 4 top cause of death in the world. Heart disease, cancer, medical error and prescription drugs. All have no connection or relationships with the medical profession. And still you believe the medicail profession are the most honest, ethical and can do nothing wrong. Medical profession is the greatest institution in the world. Disrequardless that the Americans life spans are declining.
Plus All us nay sayers should be destroyed and stomped out?

No wonder Hitler was so impress on how the Americans almost wipeout the indains with small pox.
Today even most of the white men are living on the Indian reservation and I am the crazy one.

@Castlepaloma American lifespans are declining because of greater poverty, more unemployment, and, as a result of those less access to health care and adequate nutrition. Also greater stress and healthcare becoming more unaffordable once you get seriously ill. Those are the reasons for shorter lifespans, not crimes of the medical profession. You are a deluded fanatic.

Yes, I, I am a health nut, call me a deluded fanatic. Also call Canadains nuts, yet they will live years longer than Americans.
It is up to the adverage American , not the Medical profession to be healthy. You don't need to be wealthy to be healthy. As American is one the lowest life expectancy rated in the developing nations.

I am always trying to talk to you fellows about holistic healthy living and all you fellows can manage to do is, call me every negative name under the sun. So you guys deserve to die from an unhealthy suffering. Health and what you can forget, are the top two most important things toward your happiness. Then You guys are not into the persuade of happiness with conflicts and warfare of germs or offensive battlegrounds, that you will never forget about.

Every knows the mainstream medical Profession is about their profit, not about your heath. Its up to to the collective consciousness of the people to live longer.

This 30-Year Harvard Study Reveals 5 Daily Habits Can Add 12 to 14 Years to Your Life. I practice all five of these 5 guildlines, why can't you fellows? Harvard dose not accept studies of prescription drugs because these are the intelligence Americans


Judy Mikovits is the one who is selling her ass for money, much like Dr Stella Immanuel. They should be locked up in cages. Dr Fauci and Dr Redfield should be held to scrutiny and criticism like anyone else. They didn't sellout for $45K, that's for sure.

I guess I should be locked up in a cage too. Along with all the people that would strongly disagree with vaccines and the trillions of dollars medical industry. It has the Backdoor politics at its best

Why not pile on the increasing of prisoners that has multiple tens times in the last 40 years. Along with cancer hat has grown 4 times on pre capita. Covid going to make a super killing too, and nobody really cares.

social media sites

This post major point here is. The vast majority of people are being steamroller into over obeident by the State and mainstream medical profession. Her and all other reports nay Sayers to handling of covid have been dictated by these powers to be.

How a debunked COVID-19 video kept spreading after Facebook and YouTube took it down

Alt-tech platforms champion free speech, and act as reservoirs for clips removed from major social media sites

These are the only kind of tapes allowed. But you can't fool everyone. There is two sides to every story. It is not possible with Covid stories, never seen anything near to this level in my lifetime of one sided story telling.

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