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The Congressional Democrats and President Biden and Team deserve kudos on this achievement. It is big.

I love when we beat Republicans which has not been frequent.

St-Sinner 9 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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The federal reserve bank will officially OWN all property in the country..... A very stupid idea.

Most of this shit pandering and earmarks. SF got great attention by Pelosi. Talk about fascism.


When exactly will President Biden sign this?
Funny, I haven't used that title with any name in years.

Not signed yet. Biden is set to sign the bill into law on Friday afternoon. []


Did the GOP in either house present a version of the bill some of them would support? Prolly not, but I’m curious.

The Senate Republicans did a substitute in July 2020.

Here is what’s in the Senate GOP’s $1 trillion ‘Heals Act’ package []
The proposal would include money for small businesses, unemployment aid changes and a new round of stimulus checks.

I heard there was a discussion of Republican alternatives for the parts of the Democrats bill like the minimum wage, unemployment checks etc. but I don't think an entire alternate bill was presented by the Republicans in either chamber. But I am not sure if they did.

Not that I heard.

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