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Vaccine day for both of us....April 13th!!!!!!!!

Anyone married, & born before 1951 can go as couples.

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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US is sending 5 million doses AstraZeneca to Canada. They should send more but that'll help.

Yes, & most appreciated.


My first vaccination is tomorrow, I'm 63 and single.

My husband is 76, I'm 74, & we were given to understand the roll out was in 5 year increments, & his would be ahead of mine by a couple of weeks or so.
We've also had issues with getting the vaccines, & we're also small city which has less priority than the big centers.
My husband's age year of 1944 was eligible to make the appointment today, but it wasn't until he got on the phone that we found out about the couples thing.....with all the reading I've done, I never ran across that info.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I think it is great that they are encouraging couples, it just makes sense to do it. It can save gas, time, and effort.

@HippieChick58 As I said, we're small, & drive mobility scooters, so we can be in town, done & back home, in less than an hour, including the 15 minute wait time after the shot is done.

I'm 63 and single and well. My first Pfizer shot Monday 29th.

@barjoe No idea which we're getting.

@barjoe I believe I am getting Pfizer as well. I don't care, I just want my shot.

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