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Don’t ask, “Is it an option to be happy?”

Ask instead, “What’s required, not optional, for happiness?”

yvilletom 8 Mar 27

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'Happiness is the only good..the time to be happy is NOW, and the way to be happy is to make others so"

Robert Green Ingersoll. American Humanist 1876


Only two things.

Freedom from that which makes you unhappy, and then the power of appreciation.

The first is actually a lot harder than it seems and quite rare, the second is easiest found through education, so that is very rare.

Yes, appreciation is important. I forgot about that in my response,. Now thinking back at the unconditional love and appreciation my grandkids seem to have for me always brings a smile to my heart (they have a pretty low bar, haha) and also when I am feeling down, I sometimes read my positive reviews, which make me realize that sometimes even if I don't feel 100% happy with myself as a person, at least I'm good at something!

Once in a while my friends tell me how much they appreciate my friendship, even though I don't always feel that I'm a good friend, since I like being alone so much. Appreciation is also something I can easily give to others around me, since I realize its value. Thanks for that reminder!

@Julie808 That's Ok although the appreciation that I was thinking of, was your own powers of appreciation. The equivalent of your. "Being happy with what you've got " But I would agree that being able to make a contribution and recieve appreciation in return is a good thing, which really helps, though perhaps not absolutely needed, since knowing you have made others happy, even if they do not show it to you, is perhaps enough.

But I think that appreciation, as a personal quality, is a slight improvement on, "Being happy with what you've got" since it is more general, and especially, not possessive in quite the same way.

@Fernapple Oh yes, it goes both ways, appreciation for what you've got. Good point. Focusing on the positive definitely contributes to happiness! 🙂


Good health helps.

Getting out of Catholicism mentally was quick and set me free to grow.

Getting out emotionally took several years and made happiness possible.


Being happy with what you've got is what is required, but to get to that level one might need to make choices to eliminate or add to their life the things or circumstances that would be the right environment for happiness.

I was extremely unhappy, and I made some courageous choices to get myself out of my situation which changed my circumstances and now I couldn't be happier.



Keeping all your options open!

@yvilletom yes & no, I have had periods in my life where money was a huge problem, longer periods where I was in an emotional desert & didn't even know it. I deeply love & appreciate what I now have, it's Enough. I also think I am very lucky to Know what I have!

@AnneWimsey I have a mischievous mind.

Yet such a serious picture!

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