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A list of defense (aka military) spending by countries this year.
As an Aussie, I'm wondering how we manage to outspend Russia? (admittedly, only just).


powder 8 Apr 2

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Rest assured, or perhaps discomforted: Russian defense spending is several times higher than $43 billion. They lie.


Russia actually has a tiny economy for such a large country, they can spend a huge proportion of it on military, yet it would still not be much. Russia's armed forces are large, yet many of them are armed with weapons that would be considered hang on the wall antiques in the rest of the world.


Because we contract other countries, at exorbitant prices, to build out-of-date war toys that won't be finished for years. Then they get behind on the contract, which incurs more costs. They'll go bust (if we don't pay them extra), and we won't get anything or a refund; so we pay more.
Instead of setting up & manufacturing our own bloody war toys. And ... multi-functioning the machinery to manufacture other equipment & vehicles.
Oh, and we probably pay better wages to our enlistees.


The US outspends Russia by taking money from Americans who are not yet born.

Didn’t we spend the former USSR into bankuptcy?

If USA believed in paying its debts it would be declared bankrupt & not allowed to spend anymore until existing creditors are reimbursed.

The thought intrigues me. The world needs a body that has the power to declare irresponsible debtor nations bankrupt

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