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Volcanic eruption (pretty big) on St Vincent in the Caribbean. I am taking odds, how long before the fundies blame atheists or another of their hated groups.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 9

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I wonder if the eruption will have any suppressive effect on what may be an active hurricane season.


I remember when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. It affected weather patterns for a year.


I'm laughing at your bet. Having experienced the Mt. St. Helens eruption in May 1980 it's serious shit whether you're a believer or not.

Exactly. I had a geology class in 82. The prof had these magnificent photos on slides that he showed of the eruption. The hot ash cloud kept getting closer and bigger. The prof then told the story of how those were taken by one of his grad students who took the photos, wrapped the camera, stuffed it under his truck seat, then got erased from being.

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