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Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 8:49 am
Subject: FW: FW: At least China's more helpful and frank with their citizens ...
Hmmm!? Thought you might be interested
Reposting China's guidelines for Sinovac vaccination.
We should worry why our own government is not issuing these to the general public.
Original in Chinese (translated to English)
Reminding all Netizens to consider the guidelines set by Beijing’s Vaccine Prevention Center before taking any vaccine, whether for your own sake or for your family.
A gentle reminder from Hong Kong Specialist: Those who suffer stroke is not advisable to take the vaccine.
北京市防疫中心提示接種科興疫苗的要求 :
Beijing City Vaccine Prevention Center list down the requirements for vaccination:
1. 惡性腫瘤病者不予接種。
Those with malignant tumor are not fit to be inoculated or vaccinated.
2. 有基礎疾病時如高血壓,糖尿病等藥物控制不好的,不予接種。
Those people taking maintenance pills for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes are not fit to vaccinate.
3. 精神類疾病者如抑鬱症不予接種。
Those qualify for mental health disorders like Depression and anxiety is not suitable to vaccinate.
4. 家族遺傳性疾病如白化病,不予接種。
Those with hereditary diseases like Albinism are not suitable to vaccinate.
5. 心腦血管疾病不穩定,不予接種。
Those with unstable Cardiovascular diseases are not suitable to inoculate.
6. 做過心臟手術時如心臟搭橋,不予接種。
Those underwent operation such as Coronary Bypass are not fit to vaccinate.
7. 大手術後恢復期,不予接種。
Those who are recovering from major surgery are not fit to inoculate.
8. 近三個月內使用過血液制品和免疫抑制者,不予接種。
Those who used Blood products and immunosupressive drugs for the last three months are not suitable to vaccinate.
9. 服用優甲樂的人,不予接種。
Those taking Euthyrox are not suitable to inoculate.
10. 被孕期婦女三到六個月,不予接種。
Pregnant women in their first to second trimester are not fit to vaccinate.
11. 長期服用免疫抑制劑者,不予接種。
Those taking long term immunosuppressive drugs are not fit to vaccinate.
12. 有中重度貧血者,不予接種。
Those suffer from Moderate to severe anemia should not be inoculated.
13. 三個月內服用過抗病毒藥物抗過敏藥,抗生素的必須停藥,症狀消失,一到二週後方可接種。
Those taking antiviral and antibiotics drugs within three months time can be vaccinated only after one to two weeks of not taking the medicine provided that no symptoms persist.
14. 乙肝l和幽門螺旋杆菌抗病毒期間不予接種。
Those with Hepatitis B and Helicobacter Pylori can’t be vaccinated.
15. 高血壓控制穩定140/90以下才接種。
Those people with stable high blood pressure of 140/90 below can be vaccinated.
16. 流感禁忌的本苗都禁忌接種。
Those with root origin from Flu prevention are prohibited to inoculate.
17. 接種流感疫苗至9隔14天後才可接種。
Those people vaccinated with Flu virus can be inoculated after quarantine of 9-14 days.
• Is the Chinese government in fact advising this so that those with existing conditions will be killed off?
• Also is this only in respect of the Sinovac inoculation?
•What has your government said?
Basically, for people with those conditions, the vaccines would pose more of a health threat than exposure to the natural virus. The US trials for the vaccines were largely done with healthy people with no comorbidities. People with many of these conditions are having poor outcomes with adverse events after being jabbed.
Did your government tell you that?
No, I do not listen to my 'government'. I review the research and read the opinions of medical professionals around the world.
China has not been in a major war since 1979. China has won by the art of not fighting unlike the UK and US
China has won the game of Covid death. An American is 150 times per capita, most likely to give you covid than a Chinese person.
No matter how you translate all this, china is the new Super power to be by default of a collapsed system of UK and US medicine professional and politics.
They have long said that they will inherit the earth.
this is all bollocks
For starters there is no such institution called the Beijing Vaccine Prevention Center or the Beijing Epidemic Prevention Center for that matter
(the translations are appauling)
On 29 March 2021, China’s health authorities issued their actual first official COVID-19 vaccination guidelines.
But they were not issued by some Beijing institute, but China’s National Health Commission.
Here is a summary of the actual key vaccine guidelines issued by the National Health Commission.
The four conditionally approved vaccines are safe for senior citizens aged 60 and above
Senior citizens aged 60 and above should get vaccinated
Booster shots are not recommended at this stage.
It is not recommended for those under the age of 18 to get vaccinated for now.
Vaccination should be completed using the same vaccine, and not mixed.
Under special circumstances, people can use a mix of vaccines to complete their vaccination.
However the guidelines do state the vaccine should be administered with caution to :
People with acute diseases, acute exacerbation of chronic diseases, severe chronic diseases, atopy and fever.
People with diabetes, history of convulsions, epilepsy, encephalopathy or mental illness, or with family history of such diseases.
People with thrombocytopenia or hemorrhagic diseases – the injection may cause bleeding.
People with impaired immune function, such as malignant tumour, nephrotic syndrome, AIDS.
People who require human immunoglobulin injection – there should be at least one month interval before vaccine administration.
The Hong Kong government noted in their 19 February 2021 interim recommendations on the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine that the only risk to look out for is an allergic reaction.
So in short, fake email, anti China bull shit, and disprovable by five minutes on google.
Thanks Len, you almost saved me 5 minutes. The email attributions may be monkey business and the warnings may be couched as imperatives rather than advisories that are given without qualification but isn't it better to be cautious than sorry & dead?
If you are an albino you are not suitable for the vaccine. WTF is this?
WTF indeed
Albinophobia - checkout [urbandictionary.com]
I know a few albino animal are weaker than the average of their species.
First, the Chinese variant isn't as good - shown by statistics. Second, the list includes mostly people with ailments the Chinese government would rather eliminate than repair.
Is that what your government says?
@FrayedBear Government????? No, reporting from groups like NPR.
@Beowulfsfriend NPR is what? An American privately funded radio organisation? Of course they are going to denigrate a Chinese private company - American pride is at stake?
@FrayedBear NPR doesn't denigrate anyone. Publicly funded, mostly by private citizens as the government reduced its funding decades ago. If you think they care about American pride, you are sorely wrong. They are the radio part of PBS.
@FrayedBear As far as vaccine development - Pfizer was invented by a German-Turkish couple working for a German company with no American funds. And, although, Johnson and Johnson is an American company, its vaccine was also created by a branch in Europe.
So, how does reporting poor results from some countries using the Chinese or the Russian vaccines show American bias? Even the Russians reported theirs wasn't as effective as hoped and would be putting out a booster.
@Beowulfsfriend I've suddenly realised that you are not actually responding to the questions posed:
• Is the Chinese government in fact advising this so that those with existing conditions will be killed off?
• Also is this only in respect of the Sinovac inoculation?
•What has your government said?
@FrayedBear I can't say, for sure, what the Chinese have intended. They are not known for their caring attitudes toward their own people however. I would speculate that they really have little concern for those people with conditions and with a billion plus people need to conserve their vaccines. And, yes, the statistics I have seen put the Sinovac at 70% effective. The US government has said very little about other vaccines, just the ones approved for use here.
Yes, the sick and useless are to die.
Is that what the Australian NLP government says?
@FrayedBear Not out right except for Harvey Norman of course.
@Jolanta Why would anyone listen to that man?
@FrayedBear Because he is rich and they think some of that money will rub off on them. So delusional they are.
@Jolanta So rich his company has to apply for taxpayer millions to pay workers at a time of increased profitability.
@FrayedBear Yet, Harvey Norma is not the only company that this this and refused to pay it back.
@Jolanta payment should have been direct to the workers if at all.
Was that email server hacked, by the RUSSIANS?
Why would they?
@FrayedBear It's what they do.
@barjoe Aka CIA masquerading as Russians & Chinese.
@barjoe or big pharma discrediting a Chinese rival.
According to @Castlepaloma you are 150x more likely to catch C19 from an American than a Chinese.
Fred @Castlepaloma is a lunatic, mental defective.
@barjoe unsubstantiated opinion Joe. Besides which broken analogue clocks are known to correctly tell the time 730 times a year 732 on leap years!
@FrayedBear Have you ever talked to him?
@barjoe I suggest that you go to [covid19.who.int] and turn the first map chart onto transmissions - screenshot.
You will note that the America are bright red whilst China is yellow. Given the fact that China has a population about three times greater than America's this seems very strange.
I therefore suggest that @Castlepaloma 's comment has great probability of being correct.
@barjoe don't think so.