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Current opinions on Covid vaccinations (and other things) never cease to amaze me. I just got off the phone with a friend who is telling me not to get that Covid-19 jab and he goes into his spiel about it. Something about how what is reported is not real and Dr. Fauci this and Dr. Fauci that. He claims all of the India footage we see now is about something else and from another time. He claims he knows people that call home to India and the locals there claim nothing is going on. Even though he has had Covid-19, I explain to him that this is QAnon politics and he needs to vet his sources. He quickly changes the subject and says he will not talk politics with me.

Let me just take another approach on this one. I have the ability to watch news from all over the world. I can and do watch news in English from the countries that are broadcasting news in English. If what I see is not true and not real it means that the world is fooled and ONLY YOU and your secret source know the real truth. Does that even make any sense? If a person's thinking can go that far it tells me everything I need to know.

DenoPenno 9 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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they do not want to listen to facts that negate what they hear


Ask him why huge numbers of people would want to take part in a plot like that, and what would they gain from it. The 'why' question is often the hardest for them to answer.

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