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A Wonderful Feeling of (almost) Normality

I went to the grocery store this morning with my mask on as usual. Then I saw the sign on the door which said "Masks not required for fully vaccinated individuals, in accordance with the CDC and State of Michigan health guidelines." I read it three times just to make sure. Then I took my mask off again and went shopping.

My gosh, it was a refreshing experience. The first time I've been in a store without a mask for over a year. Of course I steered away from other people, especially if they still had their own masks, meaning either they weren't vaccinated or else were more risk-averse than I; and I offered to put it on at the checkout. But for the first time in a long time I felt as if we were truly coming around the bend.

Paul4747 8 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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With vaccinations at only 40% in my county, I will continue to wear a mask.

Everyone has to do what they feel safe with. CDC now says, based on 3 different large studies, that it's the unvaccinated who have to worry. That doesn't mean I'm going to wander around the close contact unit shaking hands with people, either, but I feel a lot safer than 6 months ago.


Refreshing indeed! My son lives in K'zoo, and we love Michigan! Isn't it weird to go into the grocery store and see a perfectly clean floor with no 'social distancing' stickers for the first time in over a year?

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