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I do not watch much sports, but I have always loved to watch the summer Olympics, especially the gymnasts. Since I do not have television, I saw this late. Bravo Ms. Biles!

KateOahu 8 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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She is amazing !


I watch nothing but sports, except for English Football or Soccer, which I can't watch, I've tried. Simone Biles is so great, I don't know if she's still competing. Women's gymnasts have been abused terribly for the last 50 years. I miss the Olympics.

Oh, boy, is she EVER!
In case you are interested in the team trials:


I’m a big gymnastics fan, both my daughters went to SCATS gymnastics way before the sexual abuse allegations against the owners from the elite gymnast. Every night they trained right alongside olympians and I watched with astonishment as I saw what humans are physically capable of. I was in my 40’s so it was to late for me way back then, and I’m worse now.

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