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Nude pics? Yay or nay?

People who insist on a naked pic. Really? Unless I have three weenies, ten sets of nuts and a second butt, there is nothing to see here. Stop asking. What is your response to a request for a D or V or other pic?

  • 9 votes
  • 1 vote
ArthurPhillips 6 Apr 17

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If I haven't met someone I certainly don't want to see them naked.


Everything that is posted on the internet is there forever. Do you really want your grandchildren see that? I think it's insensitive (at the very least) to ask. Demand??!!! You're off my dancecard.


Anything that goes onto the internet is going to be accessible forever. Do you really want your grandchildren seeing that? They ALWAYS get out. I think it's insensitive to even ask.


Between 2 consenting adults, I see no issue.


Nope and no one has been so senseless as to ask


If you insist okay, but I cannot be held responsible for the consequences such as death from excessive laughter, you going blind, or God going all Sodom and Gomorrah on your ass.

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