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Do you have wonderful ex or current in-laws?

I’ve been going to dinner every other Friday evening after work to my ex in-laws for several years now. (I’ve even introduced my boyfriend to them). My ex in-laws are absolutely awesome, loving people. They are supportive and unconditional, and I know I am truly loved. They’ve stepped up and have walked with me through life after the death of my own parents years ago. Even more clearly evident now, because since changing my lifestyle to a vegan way of eating, my mom-in-law adjusts her meal planning to accommodate me while still making a delicious meal. My dad-in-law asks questions and samples things, and is actively looking into a healthier way to eat.
Can you count yourself among the few of us that have unconditional loving in-laws, or ex in-laws?

MyLiege 7 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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My late wife’s mother went out of her way to intentionally encourage my late wife to take my daughter and run back to Texas and try to screw me over anyway she could. Just like she did to her ex.

Yikes, that sucks.

@MyLiege it made life interesting.


Hell no, they all died. The whole family gone one way or another.

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