True love stories never have endings.Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams
Dude, I get that you're romantic but these are just platitudes. I think I can speak for a lot of the women here in saying that we don't find this appealing. We look at the world (for the most part) with our eyes and minds open wide. What we do find appealing is honesty. So maybe honestly share why a Christian is on a non-believer site to find a romantic partner?
Ohferpetessake, this is exactly the Opposite of real love!
omg ur a simp
think of how awful itd be laying awake all night not knowing the person u married, people change
wtf is a soul?
work on yourself and let go of the fairytale youve believed in all of ur life
protect ur inner comfort and peace of mind
your happiness is not found in another person
wake up!
Delusional. What is a soul? How can one soul inhabit two bodies?
You can be in love without losing your identity. That love can also last as long as both people are alive.