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LINK UFO Report: US Intelligence Officials There Is No Evidence Confirming Navy Pilot Encounters Were Alien Spacecraft -- CNNPolitics

What a surprise! No Little Green Men? Conspiracy crowd will claim this is a government cover-up. They are so fucking stupid.

barjoe 9 June 4

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Explanation 1. Some"thing" successfully came from a wazillion bajillion light years away just to zip around where they can sorta be seen, because their technology is crap, & faulty, or they have a warped sense of humor.
Explanation 2. People are kn9wn have weird hallucinations, stuff like "out of body" or "burning bushes" or "apparitions" aaannnd malfunctions of their senses, due to a myriad of causes.
Gee, I dunno, which seems more likely?

From a co-worker's slack message yesterday. I guess I shouldn't confuse people with these difficult concepts.

well, that's not very readable....alas. I guess you have to click on it, but if you don't want to do that, he said "And what' is Occam's razor" in reply to a message that I'd sent him.

Gee, I'm a bit concerned now about all those hallucinating commercial airline pilots, military pilots, as well as astronauts who report all these utterly unexplained things that are also measured by their instruments and sometimes filmed by cameras. Like burning bushes, you say?

@David1955 same exact belief system, there is "something out there" superior to us.

@AnneWimsey except if religions could present photos, footage, electronic data, and large numbers of accounts of observation of inexplicable phenomena by credible people like pilots, military personnel, and so on, I might even be inclined to take their "something out there" claims a bit more seriously. However, all religious and spiritual types ever say is that people from the Bronze Age wrote stories we should believe, and it 'comes to me from another way of knowing." Never the slightest bit of proof.

@David1955 you mean, like all those pictures with pretty obvious wires in them?
Or like those "paranormal investigator" TV show hijinks?
Or WWF wrestling?
Yeah, nothing phoney there! It's on TV, it Must be real......

@AnneWimsey no, not those things, but images taken by military ships and planes, by multiple people at the same event from multiple angles with their mobile phones now that most people walk around with hi definition cameras in their pockets, which wasn't true even 15 years ago, and so on. If something comes out to confirm that ufos are likely extraterrestrial and it's just a fact, you're going to be really peeved, aren't you. As for me, the only thing I believe is that I believe i want to see all the evidence, unedited, unredacted, and complete. Regrettably, we are mostly talking about America, and its military industrial complex, and since I was weaned on mother's milk and Professor Noam Chomsky's books on class and power in America, I can but only have the lowest of expectations in that regard.


So, what were they? They don't know. This is the Neil Degrass Tyson argument: We don't know what these things are, but we know they can't be alien. The instruments might have malfunctioned.... they might have hallucinated... sure the electronics say these things do aeronautical maneuvers that defy our understanding but maybe the sensors were faulty.... or the pilots were disorientated.. and we just don't know what these things are but they are not aliens .. they're not aliens... they're just UFO's and we have no idea what they are....... Wouldn't it be nice to read some reasonable speculation or hypotheses about what they MIGHT be, rather than stories saying we have no idea what the hell these things are, but we know for sure they're not extraterrestrial? Honestly.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is an actual government agency started by Trump as part of his Space Force. America is doomed if they spend millions of dollars on nonsense like that.

@barjoe are you subscribing to the theory these UFO stories are part of a program to cause fear of aliens so as to push the Space Force program started under Trump? I've heard that myself. Only one point: Trump is no longer President. Ought we assume that the Biden Admin is in full support of this new grift by the military industrial complex? Given how corrupt US politics and political parties are, I have to admit it's possible.

@David1955 Don't know about the theory you speak of. The Space Force is now a branch of the armed forces, started by President Trump. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is a real program that has a budget $100 million and has already been funded. Biden can't just dissolve it. It's is a pretty stupid undertaking. Little Green Men.

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