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Godless grifters: How the New Atheists merged with the far right



skado 9 June 7

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In these guys’ defense, a pop figure can’t help but be influenced by their audience, I think? So, sorta like what has happened here at “agnostic” .com, which is mostly gnostic atheists, right? (does still lead here?)

A point possibly being that it’s easy to rip on pretty much anything or anyone, but there may be another side to their stories too? Prominent “atheists” are being called out for some certain singular behavior, but is that all they are doing? Would they even consider themselves primarily atheists?

I think that’s a very good insight. It’s likely humanly impossible to be unaffected by one’s most ardent audience. And I do realize critics like to zero in on a single awkward statement, taken out of context, to try to topple the giants, and hopefully steal a bit of their fame in the process. I try to take it all with a grain of salt. No hero is perfectly good; no villain perfectly evil.


Bullshit Wokeist propaganda. Pack that much misinformation, innuendo and lies in one space... disgusting. Wholly on par with Q-drops. I'll coin a new term: QWokeism meaning SJW blather that is just as nutty as pedophile pizza parlors, except targeting those skeptical of unrealistic progressive goals.


seems like any good movement gets co-opted, and fascism always seems to be the default, yeh


I am not at war with anyone, and not being an atheist in the purest form (being agnostic), have never paid attention to much of what ANY atheists have to say to/about each other or the beliefs of others. What others believe as far as gods are concerned is none of my business. I will work to keep religion out of government and MY business. IMO, the “us against them” mentality is the biggest thing wrong with the world, be it religion, government, gender, sexuality, or anything else.


When thinking of atheist fascists, Ayn Rand always first comes to mind. I think every Conservative Atheist on this site blocked me. Considering the level of ad hominem attacks and profanity I have directed towards them, it's understandable.

So, perhaps they blocked you for being an asshole, not because you don’t agree with their politics?

@MsKathleen They blocked me because they're the ones who are assholes. When someone tells me the election was stolen, I tell them what a moron they are. When they tell me Covid is a hoax, I've lost friends to it, so I tell them to fuck off. When they talk about pro life, I tell them their mom should've aborted them. If that makes me an asshole, I plead guilty..


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