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This documentary focuses on women’s testimony from all walks of life who have been victim of online abuse and examines the harm this phenomenon does to them and to democratic debate.


Ryo1 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Horrific stuff being dished out, But I have little sympathy for ONLINE abuse claims by adults....block, or go read a book, duhhhhh

Easy said than done.

@Ryo1 ummm, what? I do it all the time! "Report" too


I think it is more serious than you dealing with rude ones by blocking them when cyber-violence against women is not a series of isolated acts, but a systemic scourge.

@Ryo1 if you deal, by absenting yourself, as soon as the first ugly word is hurled, it can never rise to the level of violence....
Treating these women as weak/helplessvictims does no one any favors!

@Ryo1 I do it all the time too ...mostly I laugh at the stupidity


That's horrible

bobwjr Level 10 June 15, 2021

Thanks for posting the video. It is alarming. I agree with these women that regulations, laws, and court cases are needed to handle the abuse and threats like hate speech, not like free speech. The abusers support a systemic hatred toward women. On Agnostic I and other women have encountered hate speech.

Here as well? Disheartening.

I defend my point of view and then block the haters.

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