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LINK SC is expected to carry out its first inmate execution in a decade. Here’s what we know.

Jesus. They just got that chair dusted off. These people are just aching to .

(I still can't help but wonder, "Shouldn't the death penalty be for the worst of the worst?“ 🤔 Yes, murder is heinous. But is murdering one person really" the worst of the worst"??? I liken the very worst to serial killers, serial rapists, child killers/serial pedaphiles., etc. Killing a store clerk during the commission of another felony is a horrible crime. I don't believe it warrants the death penalty. Two of the cases mentioned in this article are just that.) The death penalty should be abolished. Like truly civilized nations did decades ago, but that's another topic altogether.

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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"It is perfectly simple. Killing people is the only way to make people understand that killing is wrong"
The Wisdom of Darth Replulicus the (always) right


Call me when it's Lindsey Graham.

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