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LINK Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Anti-Gay Catholic Foster Care Agency | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I believe 7 of the nine justices are Catholic, so it was not entirely surprising. However, this sets a precedent for future discrimination, and for allowing discrimination even in cases of organizations that receive government money. This ruling narrows the separation of church and state.

snytiger6 9 June 18

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Wasn't the decision unanimous? My point is that the lib's felt their rights were stepped on so I have to go with the decision as being right. haha. I think there are other adoption org's the city can work with, as well, for best placements so they can't discriminate against religion.

If an agency receives government money to operate, then they should be obligated (required) to adopt the nondiscriminatory policies to keep the separation of church and state in tact.

@snytiger6 But that wasn't the legal question which they addressed.

@rainmanjr Yet, they do receive government money, and they do discriminate against same sex couples. Their discimination is based in religion, but that should not matter.

If they didn't bring the separation of church and state up, then the lawyers did a terriblel job.

@snytiger6 Again, that wasn't the legal question. SCOTUS has always viewed a case in narrow terms and that's how they saw the foundation of this one. I'm unbothered by the decision as there are other agencies for the state too work with. This was a question of legal standing. We can't win them all.


In situations like this, I try to look at the Foster Children. We don't want to eliminate any avenue of them being put with good foster parents. We need to put our ideologies aside and do whats best for the children. They are parents on both sides of the issue that would make good parents and that's what is most important.


I don't think a Catholic couple should be allowed to adopt. religion is child abuse.. just saying

Leetx Level 7 June 18, 2021

Plus the higher statistic of having their kids around pedophiles


Once again christianity needs to be abolished. The hetero couple obviously can't take care of them. Give them a fucking good set of parents. Lots of kids in the US don't have good homes with their biological parents. Straight or not it does not matter!

They also think that homosexuality leads to pedophilia and bestiality. Both occur in nature, but this isn't the case.

This is just another one of their brainwashing bullshit ways to socially control individuals. Now they make it legal.


This has been going on for decades. Try telling me I have to believe or go to mass, etc and then we have a big problem.

That's why they want kids so bad. Obedient followers.

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