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SARS, MERS, COVID-19 and Disease X? Another pandemic may still be ahead of us. But what could it be?


xenoview 8 June 19

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it could be a SARS, it could be Ebola. The point is that the density, mobility, and economics guarantee another, and another, until humans either figure out a reliable means to generate cures, or mitigate the circumstances that cause them. Electing a president who destroys all the intellectual infrastructure to address and fight these disease is a sure means of making the next one even worse. Fostering anti-science insanity will also impact the willfully ignorant.

@powder It is fairly certain that Covid came from the local wet market, as did the previous SARS. We could stop these outbreaks by controlling what animals are brought to wet markets and by providing for the poorest regions that poach these animals from the wild. But how about Zika and the H1N1, H1N5. Science will be our best bet after the fact. Education is modestly effective in suppressing anti-vax attitudes and anti-mask attitudes. Frankly, those people need drugs/therapy.


My guess would be ignorance. It certainly seems to be spreading.

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