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This really is ridiculous on multiple levels. Even if it was proven the election was stolen from Trump, he doesn't magically return to the White House. Biden would have to be impeached, and then Kamala Harris would become POTUS. Ex presidents aren't in the line of succession, no matter how many in line are impeached. 'Mike Lindell Promises ‘Donald Trump Will Be in Office by This Fall, For Sure’': []

Druvius 8 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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They know this can never happen. It's a ploy to get stupid people to part with their money.

barjoe Level 9 June 23, 2021

Certainly some of them, others may actually believe it.

@Druvius Yes, the stupid people, donating to the "defense fund" believe it. The con artists know it's not true.


Which is why this is a coup attempt instead of just anger. There's only one way to achieve their goal and that's with the fall of our constitution.

You're not wrong.

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