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[US politics]

Dear voters who have recently voted Republican:

The effort, by many Republicans, to overthrow the rule of law in the US, particularly by subverting our voting system and replacing it with a rigged system more appropriate to a nascent dictatorship, is ongoing. If you have voted for Trump, or for legislators (the vast majority of whom are Republicans) at the state or Federal level who are in any way supporting these efforts to overthrow our voting system, then you are deeply complicit in this takeover attempt. If you have failed to correct your mistake by then reaching out to those legislators for whom you have voted and letting them know they are on the wrong track, then you have continued and furthered your complicit status.

Yes, it's true that the Dems over-reach sometimes in their own voting system reform efforts, and yes, it's true that there are some Republican-sponsored voting system reform efforts that have at least partial merit. However, good lies tend to have as much truth as possible to them. You, as a voter, have a responsibility to your country and your fellow voters to vote as intelligently as you can. Letting your legislators pretend they are actually trying to help the voting system is not voting as intelligently as you can. Again - you are complicit in the great harm that is being done to the US Constitution and system. Your voting and interaction with your legislators is recklessly incompetent and is doing great harm to the rest of us. Please turn off your peer-pressure radio shows and blogs, and make an effort to revise your views and direction.


An Independent

kmaz 7 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Hey, Republicans elected a candidate known to be a Russian agent, installed to destroy the country and put it in the hands of the Russian mafia. Nodding and winking as Republican legislature shred democracy in the states is easy. Words fail to describe such evil.

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