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LINK Stars and Stripes - There’s a Theory That At-Sea Navy Shock Tests Caused The Condo Collapse

I don't think this is what happened but it's out there.

barjoe 9 June 30

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I think this might fall into the category of conspiracy theory. But realistically it is feasible. A process called "solufluction". The condos are built upon reclaimed wet lands, which means that they are built upon a sand base on top of limestone.

A shock test out to sea could translate a seismic wave large enough (doesn't have to be that large ) to trigger the individual sand grains to move, becoming uncompacted and perhaps allowing salt water to begin filling the voids between grains. This lubricates the sand allowing it to move and become unstable. It could hypothetically make the foundation that underlies the condos to shift enough to trigger the already unstable structure to collaspe.

Problem, all other buildings in the immediate area are not as compromised as the collapsed condo, therefore did not respond similarly, or... the shock wave just happened to strike the shore (underlying sand foundation layer) just that part of the beach adjacent to just the collapsed, compromised condos (highly unlikely). This would take a confluence of unlikely circumstanit's.

This is the problem with conspiracy theories, too many what if's. Occam's Razor. Simplest answer is most likely the best. The condo was built incorrectly with the substructure for the pool not built at an angle to facilitate excess water drainage. Instead, as per previous reporting, it was built without this angle and water was allowed to pool. The pooling water caused massive deterioration of the supporting infrastructure.

The pool collapsed over the parking garage, a design flaw. There another building exactly the same which appears to have structural integrity. For now.

Yes, I am aware. That was one of my points. If a shock wave hit the water front and the second building is as constructurally compromised as the one that collapsed, we should have seen damage to it as well. Inconceivable that the shock wave would have been focused by happenstance just in front of just the one building that collapsed.


Glad to know you don't think that is what happened ... Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick! Has the entire world (including Stars & Stripes) gone fucking mad? Next thing you know, we'll be hearing about the CIA's perfectly placed charges that triggered the implosion! Q'Anon logic is a cancerous contagion.

Stars and Stripes concludes that it's wrong. The story is out there so it's good of Stars and Stripes to at least address it.


i wish they would quit that shit

Quit what? The Navy with their At-Sea Shock Tests or people spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories?

@barjoe both.

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