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LINK Suicide machine that could be controlled by the blink of an eye sparks euthanasia debate | The Independent

Your death is yours.

If you want to kill yourself in a sleek sarcophagus overlooking the ocean, why not?

And, of course, the local church is opposed.

WileEQuixote 7 Apr 18

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Wow, but I was more into the cardboard coffin idea not this fancy shell thingy. []


The one problem that exists for a lot of the 'easy' methods of suicide (eg. firearms and drugs) is the real possibility that either you'll wake up, or you'll wake up having caused such damage that you will be entirely dependent on others for a long time with no way out.



Seems rather silly to me. An expensive way to do a simple job. If you are going to use nitrogen all you need is a plastic bag and a cylinder of gas. If medically assisted dying was available, it wouldn't be necessary to find other ways of ending one's life.


Just hook an electric chair to The Clapper. Clap on ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

Do you really need a machine? Kinda over complicating things aren't we?

If your only voluntary movement is blinking your eyes, yes.

@Druvius she even in that case I feel like there's simpler ways to go about it..Keep in mind I'm all for euthanasia as well as a person's right to decide if they wish to die. ..If all you're capable of doing is blinking I feel like you could get the same results without all the machinery.

@josh23452 how?

Legally you have to kill yourself.
Can’t blink yourself to death.

@WileEQuixote I assume for such a machine if all you're capable of doing you're gona need help getting into it. So I present to you a 1 act 1 scene play.

Dr.-Do you wish to die? Blink once for yes twice for now


Dr.- Alright well let's go get you something so you're comfortable my staff and so will take care of the rest

@josh23452 Read the article, read the related issues.

The agent committing suicide must kill themselves.

Therefore, they must have the ability to do so without another human acting on their behalf.

It's not that hard of an idea.

@WileEQuixote I get that but still an entire machine I'm not saying I disagree with the notion I'm just saying it's being overcomplicated.

@josh23452 how else can you kill yourself by yourself if you’re incapable?

@WileEQuixote maybe not by myself but shit if I've gotten to this point I've got folk who know to put me out of my misery..Shit death is not the complicated.

@josh23452 the point is beyond you.

It’s to make this commercially available to the public.

By letting someone else assist, surely it's not that far away if we're considering this. Legal teams have been working on the correct wording for years.


I don't really care about what the church thinks. They have no dominion on the morality of euthanasia. Where it bugs me is in a situation of bullying, psychological aggression and humiliation. It is one thing for a person to conclude that they have no more will to live because of their self-realization than one that has had their self-worth robbed from them. There's a line that requires a psychological evaluation someway/somehow.


I can just imagine it ...ahhchoo ah shit !!!!


I’m completely for euthanasia. Especially in a humane way like that. People will have different reasons for why they want to do it, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be an option.

I completely concur!

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