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Politics and religion: natural pairing! Excuse me while I puke now 🤮

Rep. Madison Cawthorn Warns Door-To-Door Vaccines Could Lead To Taking Of Guns, Bibles

MikeInBatonRouge 8 July 10

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I foresee some people getting beat knocking on doors in some areas.


Christianity and the GOP both thrive on making people fearful. Without fear, their numbers, and thus their bank accounts, would dwindle significantly.

dkp93 Level 8 July 10, 2021

....and they do it by lying and exaggerating.


Yes, but he's always saying stupid shit like that. His constituents also believe Trump will be reinstated any day now. Waddya gonna do?

What to do? Alert him out on his shit....remind people he is an asshole, for starters. I tend to see our current state of the entire GOP party as a national crisis and dire threat to democracy itself.

@MikeInBatonRouge I guess I'm saying, those who know, know, and those who don't want to, will remain willfully ignorant for life; just as was the case the previous four years. Those who wake up have to do it themselves, nothing you or I, or any of us in what they derisively call "the fact-based world" do, will give them that push.

Cynical? .... Yeah, a bit. After Trump won 40-odd percent of the vote, and they came within an ace of the Senate... yeah....

@Paul4747 I agree with that to a point.. there is that 30% or so who are living life wedded to Trump worship. But I also think there is an important swath of people who know what is right but put it largely out of mind, and those people I worry may not be motivated to vote---especially in mid-terms--- unless thay hear enough outrageousness.


the economics of 'stupid'. heavy on the supply side here.

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