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LINK 12 Women Sued Liberty U. For Enabling Sexual Abuse; Their Stories Are Horrifying | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Liberty's policies actually make it more likley for sexual assaults and rapes to happen.

snytiger6 9 July 21

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How christains treat women is down right criminal. Makes me wonder if there are more female Atheists than male or at least there is more motivation to leave the bs.

Yeah, when the bible was written both women and children were considered the property of the men. That has only really started to change in the last century.


While I don't doubt that LU's policies do make assaults more likely (religions don't generally protect women but do provide a few of them power over others) but it also seems that anywhere there are women we get accusations about sexual assaults. That is, to my mind, either a huge indictment of male criminal mindset or a charge which is usually unproven but shifts the balance of power to women. I think the tendency of society to feel empathetic to the women tends to support the idea that men, in large part, are not of such a mindset by nature. This means they either adopted the behavior as a result of their environment or the charges are fanciful. Children's Hour type stuff. I make no judgment but do think proof should be required (I know it is not always available for such cases but that's just too bad) or the charges shouldn't be allowed. Even for public consumption. While I despise Kava-NO on our SCOTUS his charge was of such unproven nature. "She seems very honest." WTF? That's our standard for proof? Not for me.

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