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LINK Why Catholic Hospitals Are Bad for America - YouTube

Catholic hospitals are slowly taking over healthcare in America. Also they restrict certain types of health care.

snytiger6 9 July 22

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I wonder if the rules have become more strict in recent years. My siblings and I were all born in a Catholic hospital, and after the 5th child, my mom had a hysterectomy while in the hospital with my baby sister. It was well known in my family that it was to prevent having a larger family. This was in the 1950's.


In the town where I was born there were two hospitals. One was catholic. My Mom told me that the catholic one was always cheaper, however they chose not to have me born there because, at the time, they always saved the baby first over the life of the mother. I'm fine with my parents decision.


Years ago I saw 2 music related movies titled “The decline of western civilization” and “The Decline of western civilization Part 2” which documented the extremes of punk rock and heavy metal.

Sadly that title has become the reality in which where the US is at today, and getting WORSE.

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