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Don't know what you call this but it's kinda wild.

hankster 9 July 23

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Bromeliad. Yes, it is in the same family as Pineapple.


We have several types of bromeliads at my condo property - I see the leaves but not so much the blossoms, but the leaves shown look like what we have here.


The container adds so much! Well done!


Pineapple family I think

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2021

"Pineapples are of the Bromeliad family (genus: Ananas).... Many Bromeliads, like pineapples, are epiphytic — absorbing food and water through leaves rather than roots, and not needing soil for nutrition. Others are terrestrial, growing in soil and having more functional roots." []


Your bromeliad is spectacular!
Yours is an Aechmea fasciata bromeliad
-- aka Urn Plant or Silver-Vase Plant.

thank you. spectacular!


It's a bromeliad, but I don't know the exact name. I think they're beautiful in a funky way, and the bloom lasts a really long time.

Lauren Level 8 July 23, 2021

bromeliad, soungs like medicine, it has been blooming at least a week so far.

@hankster I'm pretty sure mine bloomed for months, so good luck with your medicine plant.

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