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LINK California Pastor Arrested for Alleged Sex Abuse of 9-Year-Old Girl | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

The church website said the his first nhame means "pure in the eyes of god", and that he and his wife have "magic powers".

What impressed me was that the abused girl, age 14, called police and reported her own abuse, which took place from age 9 to age 12. There is no information of whether nto not the gilr was a member on the congregation.

snytiger6 9 July 26

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She probably had to call herself because her parents are under his god spell.


I hope he does some hard time in prison. I hope he gets abused in prison.

Typically child molesters do not have fun in prison. He'll learn that his fictional Hell is quite real, alive and well on earth as soon as its found out he's a child molester.


The fuckers should be required to get their dick and balls amputated.

Amputate his head.

@barjoe The head of his dick.

@xenoview No. I want to decapitate him just like the Muslims do.

@barjoe That's the easy way out. Cut the head of his dick off and let him live with that everyday.

@xenoview Let him fucking die.

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