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Major turnoff:

Obvious copy/paste generic greetings.

NYTrink 6 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Fitness Singles has canned messages people can send as messages. If a man cannot write an original message, I'm not interested.

I'm interested in knowing more about you. Let's chat.

I like your profile. What do you think of mine?

Great smile! Wanna chat?

Wanna chat?



Here's the one I love from the dating sites: "I will like to know you more better"

The broken English is always a dead giveaway that it's a scammer or at least someone far away from the US..

@TomMcGiverin Yep... they're easy to spot.


I don't know how to copy and paste, so you are safe from me.

Neither do I. I am such a dinosaur when it comes to tech. I don't text or own a smartphone. I still have a digital answering machine instead of voice mail, don't want to or ever plan to learn how to text. And I only have Netflix because a friend installed it for me at my apartment using my Wi-Fi on my laptop and connected it to my TV, using his Netflix subscription so it doesn't cost me anything. Otherwise, I never would have gotten it. I am fine with being so last century, because I am still able to communicate as much as I want to with the rest of the world, and I don't have to end up connected 24/7 with everything like most people. Nor do I have to worry about developing all the rude or bad habits of always wanting to be connected to everything on a smartphone, feeling a compulsive need to check for messages and alerts every waking moment, or taking my attention away from a face to face encounter to make sure I'm not missing out on something better socially or some other conversation instead of the one I should be attending to in person. People should quit being so goddamn selfish when they show up or make plans to meet in person. Either commit to be fully present and attentive to that person or else don't make those plans with them or spend time with them if they aren't stimulating or interesting enough to hold your attention when you are with them.

The bottom line is, most people I have seen who are embracing the new tech stuff, like smart phones, have ended up becoming more selfish and self-centered, as well as rude and more emotionally dis-connected from others, because the technology encourages it and makes it more easy and convenient to behave that way. And I will not be friends with or date anyone that has gotten caught up in all that.

Kind of like alcohol, new tech just brings out more of the inner personality of who people really are, because of tech's convenience and impersonality.

@TomMcGiverin l barely had 20th Century skills.

@Sticks48 Good one. But you seem to have great drumming skills.

@TomMcGiverin Thanks Tom.


I would agree with that being a turnoff, but I honestly have never gotten any of those, except from obvious scammers. Someone who doesn't mention anything said in my profile or anything that comments on something I said in my message to them, since I'm almost always the one who messages first, doesn't get a reply from me.

Exactly. I ask them where they live and the reply is a totally irrelevant cut and paste


Hello, [Insert Name Here]

barjoe Level 9 July 27, 2021
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