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Fake News from a church, Wow!

Almost everything said in churches is fake news.


So it appears that to criticize or question the validity of the "trans" juggernaut is deserving of being shut-up, labeled phobic and/or censored? When did it become a secular, orthodox pillar of faith? When did a popular point of view become unquestionable? I must have missed that event.


Religion and Trumpism go hand in hand……..They’re cults.

Cults sequester, censor and captivate adherents. The protect them from information and feed them only approved (franchised) information. Religion qualifies functionally in your comparison. Those who support the Trump aren't shielded from conflicting information but conversely are bombarded with it from every direction.

The reason it doesn't work well at separating them from what they support is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what happens with a cult. They and others in this society are still able to seek accurate information and find it. Their 'shielding' is incomplete but getting more sophisticated every day. Knowledge is accumulated information that is so; that is actually true. It is what distinguishes education from programming. Education is learning about a preponderance of things that are so. Programming is a mixed bag of what is so and what is not; mostly what is not.

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