Watch this and look into the face of a guy so ruined by his faith there is literally no hope for him. He would continue to believe even if God/Jesus stood before him and said, "You're imagining this. We don't exist!"
He is the results of parental manipulation and emotional abused.
I was on plane, yesterday, sitting behind two folks who realized that each of them attends Liberty University, one of them, at least, on line. The other one waxed rhapsodic about the "...awesome professors" there, who "...really love the Lord, and care about their students. I did not reach for the barf bags, but that may not have been a bad idea.
This guy acts like he is stuck in an abusive relationship and is making excuses for his abuser.
I have posted exactly this idea. Strange to have a self induced abusive relationship with that which does not exist.
I was a Christian and had this frame of mind fora long time. Basically you are so afraid of hell that you go to the extreme in your worship of god. The more unbelievable stuff you believe about god make you feel more spiritual than everyone else. He’s trying to use his so called faith as a way to feel better than everyone else and of course he tries to use gods name and judgement like it gives him some spiritual authority.
Had to shut it off before the 5 minute mark. He is:
A) mentally ill and/or deluded
B) acting
C) A greedy little bastard with over a million followers
I choose A. This guy is seriously mentally ill.
Makes me wonder if his parents see this shit and think "Where did we go wrong?" or "That's our boy!"
I feel pity and annoyance when confronted with a Christianity apologist.
Notwithstanding, I would like to see more opposition to the cruel, imperialistic, totalitarian ideology of Islam, which currently causes much more suffering and death.
He was totally brain washed from early childhood. I used to let these door to door kids in my house occasionally and let them spout their nonsense. I would sit and listen. They thought they were convincing me of their nonsense. At the end I would say ask them if they knew how completely insane they sounded.
Neither side of this standoff is grounded in science. One is grounded in unfounded belief; the other in unfounded disbelief. Which one of these characters assesses the other’s position from the perspective of adaptive benefit? Neither.
Jesus boy is captive to his narrative of faith, and reason boy is captive to his narrative of evidence. But upon what evidence does he conclude Jesus boy is likely violent? None. His narrative alone.
Unbelief is as useless as belief if not grounded in evolutionary principles. Evidence is only as good as the amount of it you are aware of. Being aware of three one thousandths of the evidence is hardly better than two one thousandths.
Reason boy needs to learn to love jesus boy. Maybe have babies!
Not sure of your point. Are you saying that if I don't believe in faeries that I must present evidence or that if I opine that there is no evidence for faeries that I , as a scientist, with my faith in unbelief is the same as his faith in his belief.
No, I’m saying that neither believing nor disbelieving have anything to do with science. I’m saying that if you make a video whose only purpose is to make yourself look superior to someone else, your motive is probably not based in science but in self-promotion. It is not the business of science to single out individuals for ridicule on the internet. Science wants to understand, not ridicule.
I would believe Donald Trump before I'd believe in the God Fraud. Or this Putz. I could not even finish the entire video. But it was very well made, for a pack of junkyard crap. I'm not taking advise from a child on Tik Tok What a Crock. Why is he "always crying" because he is a cry baby.