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LINK Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace | World Science Festival

I don't know what to think about the beliefs of these religious people in video.

I would have to go back to count but many times they state "my belief..." or "we believe ..." but in the same context they say it is possibly not true.

"...envisioned more dimensions still — but ultimately hit a dead end."

"...a visual tour through wondrous spatial realms that may lie beyond the ones we experience."

They admit several times much of their information is inconsistent or it conflicts with itself and has incompatibilities.

They seem to look for a "God" equation that proves a realm of space of a supernatural, or-be-it a hyperspace beyond what we currently experience. They dabble with mathmatics of mysticism and yet wonder why they do not have the reality.

Word 8 Aug 10

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Indeed, and they are trying to create their own reality during the process.


What, no peer review evidence?

I don't know?


I never really cared for republicons, but, now I really hate them, stupid fuckin braindead monkey's.

Ah, shit! Wrong topic.

what kind of monkey produced this work of brilliance?

@holdenc98 desperate.

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