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From a scientific perspective, COVID-19 virus is winning, a doctor said.

Yesterday a physician I met through Silver Singles called to see how I was doing. During the pandemic, we only talked on the phone. We are both atheist liberals.

We discussed the idiocy of arguments against getting the COVID-19 vaccine. "It is the safest vaccine we have," he said. "With unvaccinated people, one in ten patients who are hospitalized die from the Delta variant."

Hospital beds are filled with young children- many under two- who are critically ill and dying. The myth that kids don't get very sick from COVID-19 is untrue.

COVID-19 virus is winning

"From a scientific perspective, the COVID-19 virus is winning," he said. "With so many unvaccinated people, the virus will continue to mutate, get more transmissible and deadly."

"Long-term COVID is horrific," he said. "Patients have strokes, brain damage, leg amputations, permanent lung damage and more, resulting in lifelong disabilities."

"Massive numbers of Americans need to vote in the 2022 and 2024 elections," he said. "Yes, we need to vote Republicans out of office!" I replied.

"Keep up the good fight," he said encouragingly.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 11

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Mississippi has all its hospitals full, they are asking for federal help and turning a garage into a Covid ward. All un-Vaccinated and youngsters. The red states are in for a fun time. How many will have to dies for these governors to decide they have no idea what they are doing?


I agree. It's insane. Republican governors are killing their citizens.

They should be arrested, tried and hanged for murder.


Something that the 'masses' seem to be missing is that a virus ignores human rights and freedoms. I miss the old world of 2019, but Covid 19 took that from me. I need to protect people and myself, so I obey and try to exceed the rules.
In the UK we have now opened up, so I am expecting another spike in infections by the end of August. It may be a good thing for humanity if we can catch it a gain immunity like what happened with the 1918 flu.
Then again, it could be a bad idea.


Those poor health care workers! Having to take care of these idiots with perfectly preventable diseases, and those they infect who are most vulnerable, like small children.


Their reckless leader publicly attempted to downplay the severity of this virus.
Please vote.

Unity Level 8 Aug 11, 2021

Yes we do

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2021
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