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LINK The Misinformation Trifecta | NeuroLogica Blog

"Misinformation is a booming industry, and that is often exactly what it is. Sometimes it may emerge organically, out of sincere error or misunderstanding. But increasingly misinformation is being weaponized to achieve specific goals. That goal might be to protect the interests of a corporation or industry, to promote a candidate or particular policy position, to engage in a broader culture-war, promote an ideology, or just sell a brand or product. Recently it has become more apparent to me that often there is a common strategy to weaponizing misinformation. It’s likely always been there, but is getting more blatant."

A fascinating yet short (arguably too short) piece about the spread of misinformation and how we might possibly be able to fight it. (Thanks to @Druvius for his link which wiki-walked me to this link.)

Paul4747 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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#Putin Is A Big Part Of It, Too. It's A Foreign #Cyber #Warfare Attack On America. It Is A Weapon. #PutinIsQ. We Didn't Go From 10,000 New Infections A Day, To 100,000 New Covid Cases A Day, In 1 Month, By Accident. And #FaceFuckerberg, #FOXandFASCISTS, & Others, Are All In On It. A Huge Percent Of The Misinformation, Really #Propaganda, Are Literally From Less Than A Dozen Online Accounts. It's #Republicons, #Conspiracy & #SABOTAGE. But, Maybe This Ends #DeathDeSantis Chances For The #Presidency & #AssholeAbbotts So Called #Governance. Knock On Wood.

That's a lot of pound signs.

But, that's kind of the point, that misinformation has always been around and is now being weaponized to a greater extent and more easily, thanks to the internet.

Read about the 1850s and the runup to secession. Misinformation was utterly rampant then, without an internet or even a mass media beyond newspapers; yet many in the South believed that Lincoln and the Republican party planned to abolish their rights in "property", as they persistently referred to slavery, on Day 1 of the new term, "somehow". Much the same as the way extreme pro-gun advocates pretend that a Democrat President could "somehow" ban guns or enact a 1000% ammunition tax by executive order. Most at the top know better, but they lie to the rank & file to stir up anger and money for their campaign chests. Only the technology has changed.

At the same time, that technology has made it easier to find the truth among the noise and filter out the lies, if only people care to do so. I would argue that, when misinformation agrees with a preexisting prejudice, people don't want to know the facts.

@Paul4747 Yeah, It's Willful Ignorance, For Sure. They Only Seek Out Fake News Propaganda, To Confirm Their Racism, Anti-Science, And Their Bias. But, Reaching Hundreds Of Thousands, Or A Couple Million, 160 Years Ago. Is Very Different Than Reaching Hundreds Of Millions, And Billions Around The World. Let Alone They Way They Specifically Target People, Based On Their Data, With Hundreds Of So Called News Articles, And Political Propaganda. Look At Fukkker KKKarlson Visiting A Fascist Dictator In Europe. This Is A Global Effort, By The Organized Gangsters, Who Control Trillions Of Dollars, Many Banks, And Big Business.

@HankHunter13 Maybe it's something with your phone, but I tell you with all respect, your "every word capitalization" reads exactly like something out of Qanon. Maybe you're deliberately copying that style, whatever. But it's very distracting.

Or maybe you're a double agent Russian bot infiltrating us, how would I know?

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