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Smoky skies and another forest fire nearby.

Ash is falling. Feel like a trapped animal. With asthma, I cannot hike.

I'm going to the YMCA to work out with weights. Exercise will make me feel better. Love the rowing machine.

Due to the climate crisis, we now have four seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring and Smoke.


  1. Red sun yesterday, Wenatchee, WA where I live.

  2. New forest fire caused by lightning. About thirty miles away near Plain, WA. This morning, the Forest Service estimated it at fifty to sixty acres. Extremely steep terrain makes it dangerous for firefighters.

Pilots are fighting the fire with planes and helicopters dumping water and fire-retardant.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Love my rowing machine here. Until it cools off in MO, (90's all week. HIGH 90's) I'll be rowing in my living room every night. Well worth the $150


R.I.P. humanity. and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out ...............
............milky way galactic intelligent life case file #456768 B 649.

destroyed its own biosphere for advanced life a mere half million years after reaching its initial intelligence., and only 10,000 years after achieving a rudimentary civilization. humanity took down 70 percent of vertebrate life with them. intelligent live never redeveloped on earth. a text book example of the common "adolescent intelligent life crisis" syndrome, a sudden and fatal acceleration in technical capability which outruns the development of wisdom. its marked by a loss of all sense of proportionality, the species mindlessly ravaging all the planets physical resources, the rapid increase in reachable resources.... a perfect runaway species cancer storm which in this case, and usually it the majority of young intelligent life, , played itself out to a mass extinction in as little as 200 years. reproducing exponentially and mindlessly, humanity's political power came to be centered in several devolved subspecies (called "subcultures" ) noted mainly for their separate yet common themed mass stupidities. tattooed skin, the waving of cigarette lighters at mass "musical concerts", and a complete detachment from reality were some of their most common markers . "democracy" was their nominal/ formal ideal guiding rule for species self control, but democracy itself quickly devolved into nothing more than those skilled in the ways of power manipulating the great mass of the uncultivated and genetically retrograde stupid. public dialog was virtually non existent, a few pretentious web cites not withstanding. only the ruling class's short term material and status gain had any bearing on humanity's direction. the idea of special academies to produce a class of benign philosopher kings who could rule for the long term good of all, is a common theme in those intelligent galactic life forms who have survived their own adolescent crisis. it had appeared in humanity among the "Greeks" at an early stage (800 - 300 BC ), but it was extinguished then and never recurred. 2000 years later this species expired in its own firestorm, still striving to continue it"s physical and unlimited rape of planet earth, higher, deeper, and more remotely.


Nobody wants to read a wall of words.


This will no longer be a problem when there are no more forests left to burn because climate change is just a liberal myth. 😟


Very funny! With Spring rain, grasses grow tall, then dry in summer heat.

Idiots toss a match into dry grass that becomes a raging wildfire.

@LiterateHiker we are all "the idiots" we are a pesk on the planet. a fatal one


Did you mean "pest" instead of "pesk"?

@LiterateHiker funny you should mention it. i wasnt sure, my mind went to pesk first, so i googled it and found only a reference to "fish". so i retreated to "pest". meanwhile, the icecaps are milting.


I know the feeling, last Saturday morning I went out for my early morning walk about and the smoke from the fires was so thick that you could hardly see down the street, I couldn't even see the traffic signal less than a half mile away, my eyes were burning, and I was having a real bad time breathing. I have COPD, and I just turned my ass around and head for the house. It was totally shitty here for at least 4 days before I could even go outside again. I walk everyday and not being able to really sucked.


It has cleared a little here in Ukiah. Yesterday and this morning were hazy smoky and you could smell it. Stay safe. 🤗


I hope your fall rains come early this year.


Stay safe sweety

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 13, 2021
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