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see?....R.I.P. humanity. and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out ...............
............milky way galactic intelligent life case file #456768 B 649.

destroyed its own biosphere for advanced life a mere half million years after reaching its initial intelligence., and only 10,000 years after achieving a rudimentary civilization. humanity took down 70 percent of vertebrate life with them. intelligent live never redeveloped on earth. a text book example of the common "adolescent intelligent life crisis" syndrome, a sudden and fatal acceleration in technical capability which outruns the development of wisdom. its marked by a loss of all sense of proportionality, the species mindlessly ravaging all the planets physical resources, the rapid increase in reachable resources.... a perfect runaway species cancer storm which in this case, and usually it the majority of young intelligent life, , played itself out to a mass extinction in as little as 200 years. reproducing exponentially and mindlessly, humanity's political power came to be centered in several devolved subspecies (called "subcultures" ) noted mainly for their separate yet common themed mass stupidities. tattooed skin, the waving of cigarette lighters at mass "musical concerts", and a complete detachment from reality were some of their most common markers . "democracy" was their nominal/ formal ideal guiding rule for species self control, but democracy itself quickly devolved into nothing more than those skilled in the ways of power manipulating the great mass of the uncultivated and genetically retrograde stupid. public dialog was virtually non existent, a few pretentious web cites not withstanding. only the ruling class's short term material and status gain had any bearing on humanity's direction. the idea of special academies to produce a class of benign philosopher kings who could rule for the long term good of all, is a common theme in those intelligent galactic life forms who have survived their own adolescent crisis. it had appeared in humanity among the "Greeks" at an early stage (800 - 300 BC ), but it was extinguished then and never recurred. 2000 years later this species expired in its own firestorm, still striving to continue it"s physical and unlimited rape of planet earth, higher, deeper, and more remotely.

holdenc98 7 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the sun red giant subsuming earth.


Nobody wants to read a wall of words.

EACH TO HIS OR HER OWN INTELLEGENCE LEVEL. intelligent complex thought requires many words DOPES MIGHT DISMISS THAT AS A "WALL OF WORDS" . I HOPE THAT BEHIND YOUR CELEBRITY FLIPNESS YOU ARE ACTUALLY SMARTER THAN THAT. . the reply was attached to your post so as to reach NOT PARTICULARLY YOU, MY CLEVER ONE, BUT a certain segment of the agnoastic population, lets call them "air heads" ......but..none of this is meant to diminish the value of your hiking pictures, which can be quite pleasing. as the wall of words makes clear, "democracy" even while its failing, must attemptto reach all the subcultures.


I have a Masters degree and am a published author. As a volunteer college mentor, I help children of immigrant write essays to apply for colleges and scholarships. They learn:

Short sentences are easier to read.

Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. Use periods, not dots.

Write in short paragraphs separated by white space. This rests the eye.

@LiterateHiker ............dearie: there's nothing sadder, more pointless, and more pathetic than credentialism. it's the last refuge of the conformist dullard. are you really trying to use an academic degree for unearned prima facia prestige? and to top that off, youre published? i too am published, i too have degrees. but i also have better taste and judgement then to seek credit for that here. degree in what? publication of what? i suspect elaine ........... you once wrote the j. peterman catalog.

unlike your immegrant child proteges (your most ridiculous affectation get), i actually prefer lots of dots, no capital letters, and run on sentences. but then these progressive freeloader candidate kids of yours have no present interest in annoying you. give them a little more time.


I have a hard time imagining an evolutionary process that wouldn't play out the same way over and over again. Seems we are only here because of how selfish, ruthless, and destructive we are.

exactly so!

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