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If a lack of evidence never proves anything one just has to go with their gut.

hankster 9 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Release the prisoner.

He's nowhere to be found m'lud.

That's preposterous, mount a search for him immediately.


The onus of proof is not on those who don't believe when it comes to the existence of god.

Concerns about who the onus of proof is on, belies a position more concerned with winning an argument than having anything to do with a quest for truth.

@hankster Who wants to argue? They have to prove him/it/whatever exists, otherwise STFU. I assert there is no Santa Claus, I don't have to prove that, the onus is on believers of Santa Claus to prove he exists. I have no desire to argue. I'm right. It's like flat earthers. There's no point in arguing, but I will tell them they are fucking idiots, because they are and it's fun.

@hankster ty 🙂

@barjoe then enjoy yourself.

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