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Will we elect a self-professed non-believer for president in our lifetime?

  • 6 votes
  • 17 votes
PhiGuy1618 4 Apr 19

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Polls are pretty clear that the group least likely to be elected is non-believers. And with the recent emphasis on religion, I think that's going to hold for a long, long time. There is the idea out there (completely refuted by research evidence) that only believers have a moral compass. That's just not true, but religion is a choice and we clutch our choices close to our hearts!


I voted "Yes", but I'm aware that my lifetime extends further into the future than those of some other people here. I'm 27, so it would only have to happen in the next fifty years. I think it's pretty resonable that it will.


I honestly do not think that will happen, unfortunately. Some fucking 2nd Amendment FundaMENTAList would shoot him/her even if he/she did manage to get elected.


Not a chance, heathens are disliked be even the left-wing believers.


Probably. In fact, I'm guessing that most, if not ALL, our past presidents were actually agnostic, but played the game, because "The Prince" advises politicians to seem religious to get votes. Trump is almost certainly agnostic.

Trump thinks he is a "god" himself, so already he breaks the 1st Commandment.

@Darthpug Gods don't care.


Not until there is a ligit 3rd Party of moderates who care more about qualifications than beliefs.


Because God rules and Jesus has an AR-15.


At this point I'd be happy with even a believer, who can tell the truth, think, speak, and keep hands to him/herself !


I'm agnostic about this question lol. My wishful self wants it to be yes. But I feel like it won't happen.


Probably not in my lifetime, but I'm fairly old!

I think there will be a pecking order, one thing at a time;

  1. Woman
  2. Black Woman
  3. Gay man
  4. Gay Woman
  5. Gay black woman
  6. Orange Pervey TV celebrity narcosis


  1. Someone you can run the country and doesn't display their cognitive abilities and good judgement by thinking prayers to a supernatural force can fix things!

  2. Anybody but Trump!

Up until now, it has been a Pecker Order


Seems impossible but a boy can dream!

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