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@Lorajay Posted a very funny Johnny Cash reference. 18 years ago Johnny Cash had his last performance. He died very shortly afterwards. You can tell his voice is very weak but I love it anyway.

barjoe 9 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't play it, even though there's nothing technically wrong with it, I just can't bring myself to do so.
Growing up we had every album Johnny ever made.
My Father, an abusive monster that defined everything about the South that I hate, died in 2001, and I never listened to Johnny Case at all by that point.
Then suddenly in 2004 his "Hurt" video came on TV unannounced, written by NIN, but Johnny made it his own.
It wasn't Johnny that was singing, it was a message from the grave that my Dad knew he was a fucking monster and it reduced me to a squalling, quivering trauma victim experiencing an emotional breakdown.
I can't explain it, but it was like an overdose of morphine if morphine ripped your heart out and stomped it flat before pissing on it.
Jesus! the hair is standing up on my neck and my arms are covered in goosebumps just responding to this post.

It wasn't Johnny Cash's fault that your father was an awful man. Johnny Cash was a wonderful man.

@barjoe Everything is connected. When you find someone that doesn't want to go fishing but with pushing you realize they desperately don't want to go fishing but you insist and discover they're fucking seriously NOT going to go fucking fishing, it's probably not a great idea to try to explain to them that millions of people go fishing every day and that they're being unreasonable.
We all do what we must do, this is part of that entire argument about "free will" and the role trauma and biochemicals play in our behavior.
So just know I love you barjoe but back the fuck off.

@Willow_Wisp sorry

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