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A possible answer to the question of what killed the dinosaurs.


TheoryNumber3 8 Aug 17

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I've known this for 66 million years.


Knew that

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 17, 2021

What a behind the times article, we've known this for decades.

Of course we have. The article contains new info about the origin of the asteroid that wiped them out.

@TheoryNumber3 The only part that's new is that it may have been from the outer part of the asteroid belt closer to Jupiter than to Mars, which was speculated on by Isaac Asimov in one of his articles from the early 1970's, the article here bases this on the material since the Iridium is more typical of outer asteroid belt than inner asteroid belt. Isaac however believed this was true because by being closer to Jupiter the gravity of the gas giant could pull the asteroid into a close encounter where it would slingshot around the planet into a random direction, in this case sending it toward Earth 65 million or so years ago. So they found a point to confirm a really old theory based on logic by Isaac.
Isaac would do things like that. It was also around that time he tried to warn us about CO2 and the runaway green house effect based on his studies of Venus.

Here's a link to an article about the article Isaac did for Penthouse in 1971 on global warming.

@Willow_Wisp Thanks for the fascinating article. I particularly took note of Azimov's prediction about the impending extinction of animal species with increased population growth. We've known for a long time that science fiction writers are better prognosticators of the future than the scientists themselves. They should pay attention.

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