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Profile in Weakness. Joe Biden has the most powerful military in the world and has a significant amount of power still in Afghanistan. But he is unable to think clearly (IMHO) about the situation that exists there, and how much the reputation of America depends on how we perform. So far, our actions scream the message, "You can NEVER depend on the United States. We will drop you like a hot drop if it's to our best interests."

At the present time, I'm still a Democrat. But a disappointed one. I fought for over four years to remove a mentally-ill narcissist from the White House, and I vowed to support whoever the Democrat Party nominated. Okay, so we've gone from a fascist wannabe dictator to a confused, bureaucrat who is in a job over his head. Our system of selecting leaders seems to be deeply flawed.

mischl 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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A great deal of what is problematic in this situation can be traced to the fact that the state department and other agencies are operating with limited people.... Republicans are refusing to confirm bidens people and it creates a void which has led to some of the problems we face now.......


Hypothetical message from our Commander-in-Chief to ranking commanding officer on the ground in Kabul:

I authorize you to negotiate with your counterpart in the Taliban. Tell him you intended to send buses into the city to provide transportation for American citizens, personnel of NGO's, and for former employees of our government so they can get to the airport for departures. Each of the buses will have an armed escort vehicle in front of it and one behind it. The escort vehicles will be marked with an American flag. The escort vehicles are there ONLY to guard the buses and the people riding in the buses. This is a peaceful mission. The escort vehicles are defensive only, and will not fire unless fired upon. Our buses and their escorts will be shadowed by drones and helicopters, and will provide video surveillance of every bus caravan.

You (the Taliban) have assured us of your peaceful intent, and we want you to be true to your promises now, while we help people evacuate, and later as the situation unfolds.


I AGREE with leaving Afghanistan. But I think we did it the wrong way. The U.S. and our Commander-in-Chief had numerous options...that he didn't use.


Here are some good links which chronicle the 20 year War in Afghanistan. There is ample evidence to show Biden is doing the right thing. I personally believe the Afghan people and their leaders sandbagged the U.S. Check out the articles. Maybe they will change your mind.




Were you unborn when we left Vietnam? Explain please how leaving would/could have gone any differently, then or now?

I was in the military on an overseas assignment. There was bungling getting out of Vietnam. There was and is bungling getting out of Afghanistan.

@mischl and, how do you think it could go better? Criticizing is easy, actual logistics are hard, especially when you are losing.

@AnneWimsey Anne: See above.

@mischl like I said as well, losers gotta Go, Now.....but what is Your better idea(s)? Incidentally, I was a Navy Wife during that time, but he was on a Meditteranean-based aircraft carrier.

@AnneWimsey More than once we had a carrier make a port call at Istanbul (where I was for a couple of years). All those horny sailors used to come ashore and ruin the economy for about 3 days.


It is a difficult time. "We" do not have all the facts that went into the decision. What we DO know is that 45 promised to get us 100% out by May, and that President Biden believes leaving is the right thing to do. I disagree with your statement, "confused..etc."


You lost me at "in over his head". What a ridiculous statement.


You got it WRONG, mischi. Biden opposed America’s staying there.

We stayed in Afghanistan so we could destroy poppy farming there. One news source reported that American casualties were highest in poppy-growing communities.

America’s ruling class wants to reduce the supply of heroin but refuses to do what will reduce the demand: share capitalism’s profits with employees.

Please do explain a less flawed way to select leaders.

Sorry, Tom...I don't know of one.


This was a waste of time from the start. It was a waste of money and lives. Show me one time in history nation building worked. The people in these countries will decide and will create the country they want. This Eurocentric idea that White people know better than anyone else is stupid and arrogant. These people in the Middle East hate us because since the end of WWll when we moved European born Jews to the Middle East, we have meddled in their lives continuously because of oil and no other reason. We can't even fix this country. What makes you think we can fix everyone else's country. Trump set up the deal to withdraw, not Biden. I don't give a fuck what you think about Biden's ability to think. You know he has to deal with a stutter. Don't confuse his stumbling on some words occasionally as some sort of mental incapacity. He was handed the biggest mess this country has seen since the mess FDR inherited and has to fight a Republican Party who will do everything to make him fail regardless of the cost to this country.You haven't had one conversation with Biden and have no idea how sharp hes is. When you say things like that you sound ignorant. The trillions of dollars we spend on stupid wars that never fix anything could be used to fix many things in this country. Lets help our people for a change.


“ the reputation of Americans “. Well .


Anybody can stand behind the US military and act tough. What Biden did took courage and strength to do the right thing and take responsibility for the outcome no matter what happens. Which most likely will be way different than what all the armchair quarterbacks are ranting about.....

Just look at Vietnam (and surrounding countries) today. "The Domino Effect" is & was Bullshit!

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