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U.S. to recommend COVID-19 vaccine boosters 8 months after second dose


xenoview 8 Aug 21

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Good, we wouldn't need that except for the Antivaxxers promoting variants as a pool of continuing infections

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2021

I'd be interested in learning how much, if any, protection is lost in the various age groups and sectors of various underlying conditions. If I'm 4 months past my 2nd dose, is my protection at 50% or much higher?

The fact that boosters are being suggested, makes me want to protect myself (and my close contacts) in case my protection is waning. I guess this is a good thing. I just like to see the numbers and projected protection as the months go by after full vaccination.

You get the protection 7-10 days after2nd injection, the booster is because of variants and breakthrough infections from variants


Sounds easy enough so the MSM will pick apart every last detail of it over the next year.

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