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How do you politely respond to people who want to pray for you during trying times so they will respectfully shut the fuck up and apologize?

I realize that people who want to "send you prayers" or offer to "pray" you and your family in times of loss or struggle are well intentioned and often believe their prayers will help the situation. But I find it very uncomtable and presumptive of my family's religion or perspective. I feel it is especially disrespectful and even insulting when they know that we are not religiously afflicted. I don't want their prayers. If anything, I would only ask five years of their tithing and some respect.

I take it as an insult to my intelligence when someone says they'll pray me whether they intend to follow through or not. I can't help it. It just hits me like that every stinking time. Intellectually, I know that there are many people who believe in a higher power or have other superstitious beliefs about an afterlife example that are much smarter than me. But when I hear it, my immediate thought is " do I look that stupid? Do you really think I am that stupid? Fuck you."

In a time of sorrow or strife I don't want to hear it. Especially then. And, I want my feelings to be known in no uncertain terms. I want them to THINK. It is thoughtless to presume that someone wants their particular God(s) involved in their affairs. How do they know that others may believe their religion is considered satanic and that their prayers are devil worship? "How dare you!" is what I feel.

I always say "thank you" or something courteous. But I want to shut them down, to feel guilty pre-judging and I WANT AN APOLOGY No one should offer unsolicited worship. I would not mind at all if they would ask "may I pray you?" Or, "who is/are your Gods and Goddesses?, I'll give them a shout on your behalf." Then I could politely say "I appreciate the offer but we've already been in touch, they're working on it."

My mother died last Saturday. My immediate family is atheist. My enormous extended family is Catholic on one side and a variety of christian cults and religions on the other. We are reluctant to even tell them about her death but funerals are always a big to-do and there are politics to consider. The service will not mention any gods, profits or sleuth slayers. Oh the horror!

None-the-less, the family will all be offering their god's help just when it's the last thing any of us want to hear. I want them to know IT IS NOT APPRECIATED!

Here's another untunate and perhaps more unbearable twist: many of these folks are devout Trumpers, anti-vaxxers and multilevel marketing herbal healers. So the alternative rife machine wielding, supplement selling faction is very hard to listen to. One of them is convinced she could have saved my mother and now can cure terminally ill wife is especially infuriating. Four days on a ventilator and two weeks in ICU still didn't shake her from her antivaccine crusade. Not even the death of her father. My parents and my siblings are strongly anchored science and medicine, traditional, western medicine. My mother will spin like a top when politics and quackery come up. It undoubtedly will. We're all politically astute if not active in my immediate family and some of my cousins will probably show up with MAGA hats and Trump flags on their pickup trucks.

Adding to what I can only see as a trainwreck there is an additional and severely painful injury. Injury caused a some self righteous, freedom loving patriot or a superstitious/religious or otherwise gullible imbecile who brought COVID into her nursing home. That asshole caused the the doors to close two weeks. Mind you, this was within the last two weeks. We could not be with her when she was dying. She died in a sterile, very cold room under a sheer sheet and a thin blanket. She was alone, probably afraid and probably freezing. In her fragile state of mind we fear she may have thought she had been abandoned. Abandoned and unbearably heartbroken, she just let go. We only got to see her after her life had slipped away.

I can count on one hand the number of nights my parents did not sleep in the same bed....over 67 touching years. It is tragic my father. Not being with her in her last moments is tortuous They so loved each other. A relationship that started in middle school and only got better as time went on according to them. Both of them even. And they were far from sentimental.. They had a loud fight once. That's the only one we ever heard anyway. Thier relationship really is movie material.

Wow, I digressed a bit.

So, how do I shut them down, earn an apology and leave the relationships intact with fanatical believers.

Dingodog 7 Aug 22

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An apology for what? Doing what they find comforting and hope you do too?
Seek counseling, you are obviously very full of anger & it will help.
Gratuitously offending well-meaning people (however mistaken they may be) will not help anyone.


In my experience it’s best to just let it go in one ear and out the other…nod, and say thank you. They think they are being kind even though we find them irritating. If they know you and your family are non-believers they probably think they’re doing you a good turn praying on your behalf!


I was never meant to play poker. To answer your main query, I have a hard time stopping the eye roll or hand flip with an accompanying "whatever". It's rude but at 68 I really have no more fucks to give. Other than that I have no clue how to shut them down and you will never earn an apology. The problem is in their minds they are right. I have an identical twin and we are polar opposite, we can not talk about anything other than health issues, the weather or sports. I will not bring up any controversy, she will and I will respond with facts and it ends with her, "we have to agree to disagree". As a Christian i really do not get her rabid approval of the GOP but then she only watches fox and oann. Coming to terms with I really do not like her was not easy and am sad we are estranged but since it's over 40 years since I left the toxic environment of my family I guess I'm just used to living with it.
So very sorry you are going through this difficult time. As to services/memorial since it was COVID that took her I would have NO problem with a mandate of do not show up if you are not vaccinated. Masks must be worn even by the people who are vaccinated as a symptomatic vaccinated can spread the virus.
Those who refuse can have their own service/memorial. Hope for the best but be prepared for the fall out.


I answer politely, they mean well according to their beliefs

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2021

Sad to hear what you are going through. If the prayerful or covid-deniers offer to pray for you, you might suggest that since your immediate family are atheist and grounded in reality, you feel their breath would serve your mother better, and be appreciated more by you, if they were to use their voice advising others to get vaccinated and to protect the vulnerable population, so they can be surrounded by loved ones while living a longer happier healthier life, thereby perhaps saving others from having to cope with what you and your family have just gone through.


You will never get any apology from any fanatical believer. The reason is simple: they know that you are wrong and unworthy and deserve every psychological pain that has been inflicted on you by their "loving" god.

And as @Cyklone says, their delusions are not readily overcome.


"Thank you so much. Thor/satan is my favourite deity and I'm sure he'll respond well to your prayers on my behalf." 🤣 But, regardless of what you say, delusions are not readily overcome.

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